Monday 16 November 2015

Why the stern action with vape?

Malaysians have mixed opinions with the Health Ministry’s crackdown on vape fluids containing nicotine. While most of the educated ones support the ministry’s action, the less educated (including some politicians) condemn Dr S Subramaniam. Why the banning of vape fluids and not cigarettes? Why confiscate vape fluids and affect businesses? Are cigarette companies pressurising the government to put an end to vaping that is alleged to affect them?
So many questions are asked and assumptions made.
Malaysia boasts one of the biggest vaping communities in the world. We house thousands of brewers in our backyard. How are we sure that all liquids brewed are safe? I have an acquaintance who brews vape liquids at home. How sophisticated and clean is it to brew fluids at home and not in laboratories? Is there any safety protocol to brewing techniques? These questions remain unanswered.
Now compare this with cigarettes. Cigarettes are produced under controlled environments with strict quality control measures. There are constant inspections by authorities on the production of cigarettes.We read about vape mods exploding on vapers. Recently, one even caught fire mid-air in an aeroplane. Why does it happen? When is a vape mod safe? Are the e-cigarettes regulated? Do they undergo safety tests? Under any circumstances, every electronic device needs to pass safety tests and possess satisfactory certification by Sirim and relevant authorities. Are vape mods certified in any way?
There are also regulations with labelling of any consumable. Are the labels on vape liquids complete? Are the contents stated the only ones in the liquid? Some studies reported that experimented vape juices contain formaldehyde.Formaldehyde is a well known human carcinogen that can cause several types of cancer. Additionally, it causes problems to the respiratory tract. Formaldehyde is also used in embalming fluid for the demised. However, no vape juice label mentions anything about formaldehyde.
This brings us back to the question if every content is actually mentioned on the label? Is the label regulated to contain the full truth? While we all know exactly what are the agents in a cigarette we are unable to say the same for vape juices. We are not even sure if the nicotine content mentioned is correct and the quality of nicotine used.I came across statements by some Umno members urging the prime minister to intervene in the ministry’s action or risk losing votes. Are votes all that matter to Umno?
A suggestion for such individuals
I have a suggestion for such silly individuals. Instead of reversing the actions of the ministry; removing taxes for imported cars, taking stern action on the organiser of red-shirt rally Jamal Yunos, increasing wages for government servants, and increasing government subsidies for essential items would definitely win you more votes than the vape issue. Why don’t you put pressure on the prime minister for such things?I have a suggestion for all politicians who support vaping. Since there are lack of scientific studies, all politicians who speak in favour of vaping should enroll their children and family members for a large prospective study on vaping. If they develop fatal conditions, then we know the consequences of vaping. Are they willing to do that? By supporting vape culture, that is exactly what you are doing with the public.
Today, politicians are saying the ministry is going to lose votes for the government, so allow vaping culture. Tomorrow you are going to say that rempits should be allowed to race too because you need their votes as well?Making right decisions are never easy. The popular decision is never necessarily the right one. In this instance, the Health Ministry is 100 percent right. Brewers should get their vape juices tested pharmacologically for proper regulations. There are laws with regards to nicotine. Adhere to them and acquire proper certification.
It is important to get one thing straight. The ministry has not banned vaping. There is no ban on nicotine as well. The ministry is just placing a ban on unregulated vape juices. Once the liquids are regulated then things can get back to normal. Acquiring a handphone or boutique business licence with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) does not give you the right to sell vape fluids as we are rampantly seeing today.
Dr Subra and team should continue doing what they have embarked on in the best interest of the public. Even the National Fatwa Council has declared vaping ‘haram’. Please ignore those who call themselves Muslims but speak against the law of the religion.


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