Saturday 14 November 2015

E-cigarettes appeal to ex-smokers, hobbyists

Smoking cigarettes has notoriously been one of the hardest habits to kick, even though between the pills, gums and patches there is no shortage of ways to stop smoking.
Many smokers turned "vapers" have found that trading in their Marlboros for an electronic cigarette has been the only way they've been able kick the habit.
Although there is little scientific data to back up or discount their claims, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to show that through e-cigarettes many former smokers have been able to put down their cigarettes for good.
"In my opinion, it's a safer alternative to smoking. ... It's becoming popular because it actually works to get people to quit smoking," said Hippie Holler Vapors employee Sarah Angst.
Angst got into "vaping," which is what ingesting e-cigarettes is called because the process creates a vapor rather than smoke, about six years ago when the technology first became available. After trying virtually every other possible smoking cessation method, Angst finally tried e-cigarettes, and she was surprised at how well it works.
"Our focus is getting people to quit. Both me and my sister smoked since high school, and neither one of us could quit until we started vaping," Angst said.
One of the biggest advantages, according to Angst, is e-cigarettes' ability to mimic the hand-to-mouth habit that is associated with smoking regular cigarettes. It also gives smokers the ability to slowly lower the level of nicotine mixed into the e-juice, which comes in a wide variety of flavors and is vaporized and inhaled by the user.
Angst started at the highest mixture of 36 milligrams per milliliter, which isn't even sold in most stores today. She now has dropped to 3 milligrams per milliliter.
"Customers will start out high and all of a sudden they're at the lowest level of nicotine that we have without even consciously trying to do that," she said.
Rhonda Shafer, owner of Ozarks Vapor LLC, started out as a customer and found out that she loved the project so much that she wanted to share it with everyone else struggling to stop smoking.
"I was a heavy smoker — three packs a day. My husband didn't smoke, so he got me a starter kit to help me stop smoking," Shafer said. "I quit smoking after the very first time I vaped."


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