Tuesday 17 November 2015


So you say 4/20 is your weed holiday? Pshaw. That's so old-school. Get with the times. Or, more specifically the time: 7:10 to be exact. Flip it upside down and you've got OIL, as in hash oil, BHO, wax, shatter, errl or whatever you want to call it. And today, July 10 (7/10) has quickly become the new stoner holiday for the highly concentrated.
In honor of the newest excuse to get stoned, we here at Mile Highs and Lows have come up with a list of ten ways to smoke your oils, waxes, budders and hash -- a few of them a bit cheaper and well, more unconventional than others.These dabs can easily be done with a few items from any average stoner's home: a bowl (preferably a water pipe), aquarium rocks, torch lighter and a paper clip.
Once you have the items fill your bowl with the clean and dry aquarium rocks, heat them up with the torch,then use the safety pin to press on the oil and you are dabbing away. This is the only item on the list that has not been tested by the Mile Highs and Lows Completely Unscientific testing crew though and quite frankly freaks us out (especially with those color-dyed rocks). But it's still worth mentioning and is probably something a few of you Stoner MacGyvers have done in a pinch.
This is definitely not the most efficient use of your oil, but it will add that extra kick to your bowl of flowers. All you need is a bowl packed up with some green then sprinkle a little wax or oil on top -- just be careful when you light it, as the oil can ignite and waste your hash.
The joint dab stems from the same idea as the flower dab, but is a little more minimalistic. With just a rolling paper, oil, flower and cigarette lighter you are on your way to high heaven. Take the paper, wrap it around your finger inside out and spread a thin consistent layer of oil on it. This type of dab does take some work though, as the oil must be heated to a runny consistency and then allowed to dry before rolling and smoking.
Hot Heads are one of the cheaper yet efficient and semi-portable ways to smoke straight BHO. Hot Heads come as a bowl attachment or you can buy a pipe with one already attached.
A hot head bowl differs from a typical flower bowl, because it has three holes on the side of it rather than one hole in the bottom. This way you can load a bit of oil (shatter or wax is recommended) in the bottom, then with the glass rod glowing hot, place it inside the bowl and hit it like a normal pipe.
The ultra portable way for any stoner-on-the-go to dab. While you aren't going to get that huge ripper you are with a nail stuck in a diffused bong, it is far more economical to pack around and brings a whole new meaning to a sneak-a-toke. You can get immensely baked off just a couple puffs and leave behind just the hint of an odor. Several of the pens, like the one on the right, are dual purpose and can be used to vape flowers as well.
Probably the most traditional way of dabbing (if that term can be used for a phenomenon that is relatively new). If you already own a glass-on-glass bong, a rig really isn't that expensive. You only have to buy a double-male joint, the skillet, and a torch and you are on your way. Once you have the setup, the process is straight forward: heat up the plate with a torch then slide it under the bell, press the oil onto the hot plate and inhale.
Nail dabs are very similar to skillet dabs; you can still add them on to an existing water pipe with a glass slider and a torch is used to heat the surface before pressing the oil on with a dabber. The advantage to a nail over a skillet is that you can actually see the surface you are pressing the oil to, which makes for less waste.
Nails come in either quartz or titanium and in all shapes and sizes. Titanium nails are more resistant to damage than quartz, but do not offer the same clean taste. Domeless nails are also great as they reduce the number of components needed, just warn your friends before they scar their forearms on the exposed, red-hot metal.
Health Stone pipes and bowls are a good way to go when looking for ease of smoking. It is a small porous stone that soaks up oil that can then be heated and smoked. Several hits worth can be melted into the stone at one time, so it can easily be passed around the couch. The stones can be bought separately and put in nearly any bowl, but the optimum way to smoke one is out of a Health Stone pipe. It has a reservoir beneath the stone that catches any oil that has not been fully vaporized. This reservoir can then be heated and the reclaim dumped back into the stone for smoking.
The ultimate way to put THC in your noodle is from a noodle. It has a torch built into the device so all you need to have is it and a dabber full of goo to accomplish your smoking needs. The bottom area has a reservoir for liquid butane, the top has a reservoir for water, and the tray swivels for ease of heating.

Resource: http://www.westword.com

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