Tuesday 3 November 2015

Cigirex Electronic Cigarettes

On my quest for the perfect electronic cigarette, I've tried a couple different brands, to-date. Most of them have been the disposable e-cigs. Disposable e-cigs are what many new to electronic smoking (referred to as "vaping") start out with, often graduating to more sophisticated e-cig gear like atomizers and custom e-cig "juice" mixes (juice refers to the concoction of flavorings or nicotine and flavorings made by advanced vapers or pre-made by e-cig companies). My latest disposable e-cig experiment is Cigirex. The company sent samples of both its regular, light, and menthol e-cigs. There are features to like about Cigirex, but unfortunately, it's my least favorite disposable e-cig I've tried so far.

Cigirex Specifics
As a company, Cigirex has praise-worthy goals when it comes to its e-cigs. First, the company uses vegetable glycerin instead of the more controversial propylene glycol used in some other e-cig brands.

Representatives for the company also claim that Cigirex is the first e-cig company to use real liquid nicotine from tobacco extract and the first to successfully launch a patented 100 percent leak-resistant product for its refillable products.

The disposables come in an assortment of nicotine levels and flavors. You can get Black Ops which has the highest level of nicotine at 18 mgs (1.8 percent); Regular at 16 mgs (1.6 percent); Menthol (also at 16 mgs); Light (11 mgs); and Nicotine-Free (made from Green Tea extract).

Each disposable is priced at $11.95 (but you can get a pack of 10 for $9.95 each). The ingredients for the Regular flavor are listed as nicotine, water, vegetable glycerin, and flavors.

The Cigirex Experience

I noticed something right away as I took my first vape of a Cigirex: This e-cig is the closest among e-cigs I've tested that feels like a real cigarette. It's fairly soft— you can almost squeeze it. The white "paper" tube and filter are all colored the same as a traditional e-cig. When you vape, even the tip glows orange, instead of the blue of Blu and Logic e-cigs.

From a distance, it can be hard to tell that this is not a real cigarette. Cigirex does a superior job of making its disposable e-cig feel authentic, even better than Njoy—a company which is building its entire e-cig brand around the fact that its e-cigs are designed to have an authentic feel. If an e-cig's "feel" as a traditional cigarette is important to you, that fact alone may be enough for you to try Cigirex.

However, Cigirex fell short for me in a few ways. First, I found the taste of the Regular flavor least enjoyable among other e-cigs I've tested. It's very chemical-tasting and actually gave me a round of hiccups! I did like the Menthol flavor better (ironic, because I've always detested traditional Menthol cigarettes), but I did not care for Cigirex's Menthol flavor as much as Logic's Menthol option.

Vaping produced a nice plume upon exhale, and the back-of-the-throat hit was sufficient—not quite as powerful as hits from Blu and Logic e-cigs, but satisfying enough.

My biggest issue with Cigirex is that it hardly lasted four hours! Now, I do tend to vape heavy. I can suck an e-cig dry faster than most. However, I felt that for the vendor's claim that the e-cig is good for "over 500 puffs," "approximately 42 cigarettes" (which is over two packs), is an exaggeration. Especially considering the price: At almost $12.00 per single disposable e-cig, that is near the price of a pack of real cigarettes (in New York City, at least).

Cigirex Potential

Overall, I was not impressed with the Cigirex disposables. I did not enjoy the taste and the e-juice went dry too quickly. Still, I am interested in trying their battery-powered e-cigs. The company is taking its products in a notable direction by being particular about the glycerin and I admire the design of the disposable e-cig. A longer-lasting battery and perhaps trying to get used to the Menthol flavor could perhaps convert me into a Cigirex fan. The disposable however, earns two and a half out of five stars for electronic cigarettes.

Resource: http://in.pcmag.com

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