Friday 6 November 2015

Glass Artist of the Month: Wicked Water Works

Brian and Rebecca Peterson, also known as “Wicked” and “Mrs. Wicked,” are owners of Wicked Water Works. They met in 2003 in an art chat room and became quick friends. Drawn together by their love of art, they began dating in 2004 and married in 2005.
Amazingly, Wicked only started blowing glass as a hobby in 2005. But it became his obsession within a year, and he turned full-time to the torch as admiration for his work grew. His passion has produced spectacular pieces, ranging from blood and gore to coral reef pieces. Wicked is completely self-taught, but he views that as an advantage: “I think I’ve conceived a few glassblowing techniques never seen in the industry before.”
The other half of the Wicked duo started her career alongside her husband in 2009, working as his apprentice. Wicked sales were skyrocketing and Mrs. Wicked quickly mastered the craft, and her own unique style of sculpting glass art evolved. She says simply: “I enjoy creating beauty out of glass, from flowers to coral.”
Since then, the Wicked husband/wife team has consistently challenged themselves. Although their signature production line remains their popular calling card, their passion lies with high-end glass. “We love that functional glass pipes are proudly displayed as art by buyers, ignoring the stigma that some people associate with smoking,” says. Mr. Wicked.


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