Friday 5 August 2016

University of Tampa Goes Smoke-Free

TAMPA, FL — There’s a new rule on the University of Tampa campus that students, faculty and visitors need to know about. Starting Monday, Aug. 1, all tobacco use on the 105-acre campus is no longer allowed. The tobacco use ban is similar to the one enacted earlier this year by the University of South Florida.

The new policy is an extension of a 2013 decision to prohibit tobacco use within the university’s buildings. Before Monday, the school did allow limited smoking within designated zones on campus.

“Our goal is to create and promote a healthy campus that will foster teaching, learning, working and living,” Gina Firth, associate dean of wellness, said in a statement. “This initiative will have a positive impact in many ways, including enhanced community life, improved productivity through better health and potential decreases in health care costs.”

The policy covers all forms of tobacco use, including cigarettes, cigars, hookah, chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes. All students, employees, contractors and visitors are subject to the policy, which includes all buildings, athletic fields and facilities, parking garages and open spaces in addition to offices.

USF instituted a similar ban in January. To read more about UT’s ban, visit the university’s website.

Image via Shutterstock
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