Monday 21 March 2016

How will new e-cig and vaping laws hit your habit in 2016?

How will new e-cig and vaping laws hit your habit in 2016?

By Plymouth Herald  |  Posted: January 04, 2016
How will new e-cig and vaping laws hit your habit in 2016?

How will new e-cig and vaping laws hit your habit in 2016?
Comments (3)

New rules surrounding the sale of e-cigarettes and vaping accessories will come into force in the UK on May 20 this year, and could dramatically reduce their use.

Changes have been made to the EU's 2001 Tobacco Products Directive, which from May will include vaping - now classed as tobacco related products.

The rules will change how e-cigs and vaping products can be sold and manufactured, as well as how they can be displayed in shops.

Smaller refill containers. Nicotine will only be available in 10ml containers, whereas currently there is no restriction. You will no longer be able to buy in bulk.

Smaller cartridges and tanks. The cartridges on e-cigs will be restricted to 2ml, doing away with the large tanks and boxes people sometimes now use.

High-strength nicotine scrapped. Currently the maximum nicotine strength of vaping liquid is 24mg. This will be reduced to 20mg.

New rules on how e-cigs work. They must be leak free, and must provide a consistent dose.

E-cig manufacturers and retailers will now have to submit information about every product they sell to the Government.

The new rules will also allow for e-cigs and any vaping products to be banned across the EU, if three member states agree.

Other legislation could see e-cigs provided free on the NHS.

The Medicines and Health Care products Regulation Agency can now grant a licence to provide e-cigs as a method of quitting smoking.

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