Monday 21 March 2016

E-Cigs Face Partial Ban in Public Places


Health Minister Mark Drakeford thinks it's a great idea that will soon see the rest of the country following the Welsh lead on the matter, saying: "The Bill will help us to respond to a range of public health threats in Wales, including the risk of re-normalising smoking for a generation of children and young people who have grown up in largely smoke-free environments."

"It is the government's responsibility to create the conditions, which enable people to live healthy lives. This Bill strikes a balance between those actions which will make a big difference to people's health without intruding unduly on the rights of individuals to run their own lives," he added.
The Welsh Assembly is having a little chat and a voting party today, with the Public Health (Wales) Bill up for debate. The wording includes provisions that would ban the use of e-cigs in public places in the vicinity of children, with schools, restaurants, buses and all other places where kids wait for stuff to happen to be declared nicotine-inhalation-free zones.

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