Saturday 31 October 2015

Vapers could be smoking chemicals used to preserve dead bodies, says minister.

   GEORGE TOWN: Those smoking electronic cigarettes, better known as vapes, could well be inhaling chemicals used in embalming corpses as well as other dangerous substances, Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahya said. 

He said electronic cigarettes produce formaldehyde and other chemicals as a result of a varied charging process (e-cigarettes use battery power to heat liquid into vapour.) "If the charge exceeds five volts, then the chances of inhaling harmful substances such as formaldehyde and other carcinogens are high," he said when met by reporters at Bayan Lepas here today. Earlier, Hilmi met Mawadi Abdul Hak, 36, whose daughter Intan Soraya, 17, was killed in a tragic murder last Sunday. 

The Health Ministry is considering drafting new laws to regulate vape devices, tobacco as well as shisha (hookah) use. In a letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine earlier this year, a study found that vapour produced at a higher charge of five volts produce higher amount of formaldehyde than cigarette smoke. Vape proponents American Vape Association however dismissed the study, saying the high formaldehyde content were only found "because the authors used extremely inappropriate testing methods".


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