Saturday 31 October 2015

Blumenthal blasts e-cigarette makers after CDC releases survey results.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal blasted the makers of electronic cigarettes this week after the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a survey showing that e-cigarette usage tripled among teenagers in one year.

“This CDC survey revealed troubling findings about e-cigarette use among American young people and the lengths to which companies are going to attract a new generation of smokers,” Blumenthal said in a prepared statement. “Teenagers’ use of e-cigarettes has tripled in just one year, and the study shows that e-cigarette use in that demographic is higher than among adults - evidence that the companies’ marketing, including its use of flavors, is working.”

E-cigarettes are battery-powered products that deliver nicotine in an aerosol form, which is often flavored. Top CDC officials have warned that nicotine is dangerous in any form for kids while their brains are developing.

Blumenthal agreed.

“As I have said repeatedly, the FDA can and must do more to further regulate and restrict the sale of deadly tobacco products on the market,” Blumenthal said. “The evidence is clear on the harmful, addictive nature of e-cigarettes, and the FDA must finalize the long-overdue deeming rule to ensure the public is aware of and protected from the harmful effects of these products.”


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