Wednesday 18 January 2017

Non-Smoking Week Brings Impacts of Tobacco to Light

Whether it is a resolution, or a long-awaited attempt, quitting smoking is in the spotlight.

It is National Non-Smoking Week from January 15-21.

Not only is smoking a difficult habit to kick, it also brings many negative impacts to the body.

"Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in the body. It causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general," explained Tobacco Cessation Counsellor with the Saskatoon Health Region, Mary-Lynn Isaak. "All forms of tobacco - cigars, cigarettes, hookah pipes, even chew tobacco have negative effects, such as heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, COPD."

Isaak notes that the region offers many ways to assist in ditching tobacco.

"We have a program that provides individual counselling in person or by phone," she said. "Throughout the year, we also have drop-in workshops for people 18 years and older who are actually just thinking of quitting. It provides them with information and resources."

The number to call for counselling is 306-655-7777. Isaak added that Smokers' Helpline is also an excellent resource for information and services. That number is 1-877-513-5333.

For those who are looking to attempt to crack down on a self-help basis, Isaak says there are four important things to do.

"The biggest thing is to remember the four D's. Drinking water, delaying having that cigarette, deep breathing and distracting your mind from the craving," she said. "What you need to be looking at is craving and stress management. Perhaps looking at medications that are available by prescription - that would be Chantix or Zyban."

Isaak says there is also nicotine replacement therapy, which provides you with nicotine - the drug that gets you addicted to smoking - in a less harmful manner.

More information locally on addiction services can be obtained by calling the line at the Humboldt District Health Complex, 306-682-5333.
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