Saturday 28 May 2016

New Plymouth woman gets a fail mark for using P to celebrate passing course

 A New Plymouth woman found smoking P in her parked car told police she was celebrating getting good grades.

Francine Mereana Nathan was snapped smoking methamphetamine with an associate in a Buller St carpark about 8.50pm on May 5.

Detective Sergeant Dave McKenzie told the court an off duty police officer walked by Nathan's Mitsubishi car and saw the defendant lighting up and inhaling the drug.

A search of her car was then carried out and the officer found a black sunglasses case stored in the drivers side door.

 Within that, 11 small ziplock bags were located and one contained a small amount of methamphetamine.

A glass pipe was also found in Nathan's handbag.

McKenzie said Nathan admitted she had tried to hide the drug away.

"She claimed she was blazing to celebrate passing her course," he said.

Nathan pleaded guilty to two charges, possessing the Class A drug and the pipe, when she appeared in the New Plymouth District Court on Thursday.

During the hearing, lawyer Julian Hannam asked Judge Chris Sygrove to request a probation report, to look at options which could support her rehabilitation.

Hannam said his client did have previous offending but it was alcohol related, rather than for drugs.

Sygrove remanded Nathan on bail to reappear for sentencing on June 17.


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